Enhancing Marketing & Communications
I previously served as the Executive Director of the Columbia Pike Partnership. In this role and in other volunteer and professional roles, I have learned the importance of ensuring your clients, customers, and the public are regularly informed and supported.
I will increase our engagement and communication so we can more regularly and more efficiently connect with taxpayers, leading to increased visibility, connection, and online participation. I will also expand our language services and availability.
Enhancing Business Outreach & Support
The Commissioner of the Revenue’s office has the responsibility to provide and renew all Arlington County Business Licenses. This gives the commissioner’s office an amazing opportunity to help businesses, connect, collaborate, partner, and navigate the various County departments and other supporting organizations.
Through my volunteer and professional work, I have developed an amazing network across County departments, supporting organizations, and other sectors. I will utilize my experience, network, and team as we further enhance collaboration through various initiatives, that may include: streamlined business licensing processes, welcoming programs, transitioning to paperless transactions, and re-examining our key performance indicators.
Prioritizing Diversity, Talent Retention & Development
The Commissioner’s Office is fortunate to have a very diverse and talented Team. Especially during the “Great Resignation” it is imperative that we demonstrate how we value the diversity and talent of our Team.
Through my experiences leading volunteer and paid teams, I have learned some incredibly valuable lessons. I have learned how to truly value and leverage our diversity for it feeds into our marketing, communications, relationship building, and customer service.
I will continue to ensure that talent development and retention is a priority, through the potential use of various techniques and programs, for example, but not limited to: debrief & lesson learned meetings, mentorship, skill-set development, management and leadership training, and team building activities within the immediate team and/or across departmental teams.